Monday, November 17, 2008

So...yeah: Prince Philip of Sweden

Okay, so I was looking up pictures that would make Prince (the 80s icon and World's Most Fabulous Gay-Basher) look totally girly, so everyone would laugh at what a case he is, and I accidentally stumbled upon a man named Prince Carl Philip. Yes, ladies and gentleman, A PRINCE WE CAN FINALLY BELIEVE IN (FTW!)!

"Um, hey, bro...uh...what's up? What? Acting weird? No, no, it's just...j-just that I've never met a prince before. God, you smell really good. What, no, no, no, I mean, I think I have that flavor Axe, is all. Not Axe? You don't use cologne, just bar soap 'cause it lathers better and keeps you smelling fresh longer, and also saves money? Man, that's so hott. Like, 'hott' meaning awsome yet frugle, I mean, dude. [Stares idly] Hm? Yeah, that chick is pretty hot. I don't know about those arm ruffles on her dress, though, kind of Little Mermaid the Bridesmaid, y'know? LOL, totally! Look, dude, can I kiss you?"

From Wiki:

Born Crown Prince of Sweden, he retained his title and first place in succession
for seven months until 1 January 1980. On that date, he was stripped of both due
to a change in the Act of Succession to introduce equal primogeniture. Since then,
Prince Carl Philip has been second in the line of succession, after his elder
sister, Crown Princess Victoria. However, in the line of succession to the British throne, Prince Carl Philip is ahead of his elder sister due to the UK still operating male primogeniture.

"Stripped of you're crown!? That's fucking horeshit, man! You look like you're doing okay, though. The way I look at it, things happen sometimes, whether you deserve them or not. They just happen. I think--what am I doing, you say? Oh you just had a loose hair across your forehead, I was getting it for you. You know, I think I'm gonna buy you some shots..."

"Also, what does primogeniture mean?"

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