Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's start over: Brady Quinn

The first posting on this site was about Michael Phelps, because he's good-natured and affable enough, plus he has a physique to, erm...aspire to. Plus, how photogenic he is from the neck up is debatable (we think he's just fine) and that's what makes it okay for dudes to openly think he's awesome without getting a pink f-bomb dropped on them. We've loved him (BQ) since Notre Dame, and were pumped that he got drafted into the NFL, even if it was to the Browns who are...well, the Browns. They're named after a color. I dunno, we're not here to judge, though. We're just saying the post wasn't about Quinn, who the camera clearly loves and a true physical role-model for males of all stripes (seriously), because he's too good-looking for straight guys to openly admire without the hate, as we noted.

Straight guys are notoriously wary (jealous) of hot dudes, especially talented ones with steady jobs, like our Mr. Browns QB over here. Every time this guy comes on the television, one of my straight friends hurls a slur at him; it's like he comes on the sceen and their first thought is, "Man, he's fuckin smokin," but their first words are something like, "O man what a homo--him, not me." Or something, you know what I'm saying. He seems polite enough, and I was in the tank for him until he got wasted and yelled The Slur or its variants in public and had to apologize even tho the damage was done. But last night was his first win as starting qb for the Browns, and so we've decided to jump back in the tank, because he's going to need people there for him, because hateration only grows with popularity (and if there is a closet involved in this scenario, the door's gonna pretty be locked, indefinitely, once those endorsements start coming along). So, yes, he's gonna need people--people like us. Keep your head up, buddy.

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