Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
SCCL Moments: Keeling ur Idolls
Is it okay to look up to people? When I was younger I used to always have to, like, be in elementary school and shit. Why? Who knows, it's not like I'm using my sixth grade diploma for anything. But whatever, we had one assignment where we had to write about someone who we 'looked up to'. This was hard for me, because I realized at this moment, that I didn't look up to anybody. People were writin' bout their dad's and I was like I....don't exactly look up to him. So I realized at that moment that I needed an idol, and I needed one really fast.
So living in a suburbo-rural area, I decided to look up to the white trash guys who I wanted to love me because my parents didn't act like they did, you know? WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. Don't lie, okay, not in front of company. But I realized that these guys were on exisistential hamster wheels and would never really do anything to make sure they were set free. I realized I wasnt' shooting high enough in the stars for my idol, you guys. I needed to dig deeper.
Then I went back to not looking up to anyone, just hating everyone. That's when I decided that God had to die, and thus began my process of killing my idols, and also, killing yours. This process basically went on forever. I was allowed to appreciate someone's contributions to society, but I was not allowed to really think anyone was all that great (per the agreement I made with myself). Being a godless a-hole in a world of god-ly a-holes, made it so that it was easy to hate everyone who wasn't a good-looking guy. Through maybe Darwinism or something, I needed to like something/one, and so again, unfortunately, my this is what I would idolize.
Now I just appreciate people who do things that I want to do, or do already, but who seem to be doing them better than me, for whatever reason. This is called admiration and is not the same thing as looking up. It's more like looking at. WHAT IS MY POINT?? My point is it's always impossible for me to like something in anything more than a backhanded way (after the initial infatuation of liking it in the first place) and that maybe I should do something about that. As in, maybe you should, bro. Maybe YOU should.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
SCCL NOTE: Been busy
Miss you, though. Will write my ass off soon; still gays to defend and closets to throw tomatoes at. Still thoughts to pretend to have as an excuse to post pics. Here's something else to tide yall over.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
In the news: murder
Stories like this are always awesome, right guys? I mean, gay people suck it soooo hard. Check it out:
McInerney was the aggressor, teasing the effeminate King for weeks and vowing to "get a gun and shoot" him, according to a prosecution brief. Multiple students provided accounts of a growing hostility between the two boys, the document shows." [lat]
#16: Beating their girlfriends?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
In the news: pertinent things
- There are still people who listen when the pope speaks. These are called Catholics, but then they also get outraged when he says stuff they don't like. JUST STOP LISTENING! How hard is that? [canada]
-There's a dumb ad where Shaq acts in a manner which could be construed as homophobic. It has since been pulled. [adrants]
-"According to Democratic strategist Elaine Kamarck, the passage of Proposition 8 does not have serious long term implications for the LGBT community’s future within the Democratic Party. "The support for gay issues of all sorts is strongly correlated to age,” she explained in an interview with the HPR. “If you look at longitudinal polling, this is the fastest-changing social issue ever; it is all about generational change.” As today’s young people make up a larger share of the electorate, same-sex marriage will begin to become less controversial as a political issue." [harvard political review]
A note to Nick Jonas -
Um, hi, Nick. Can you do me and other bloggers/internet peoples a really, really big favor, bro? Nah, it's not even, like, a big deal or whatever, but could you, um, maybe hurry up and turn 18 already? I know, I don't even know you, but, look, there are just some things that I would like to say about you, and even if it's okay to say them now, I would just be more comfortable if you were of a generally agreed upon legal age before I said them. So, yeah, just turn 18. It'd be awesome.
Cool, bro. Later days, I guess. (miss you)
#15: Shirtless dudes
I mean, right, you guys? Closet or no, when they see a shirtless guy, THEY HAVE TO LOOK. It makes them hate themselves, sure, and maybe they go home and carve scars into their skin because life isn't worth living with these 'strange feelings' but on a deep, demonic level, they like it. It's what they live for, and it's why living is so hard while denying it.
So maybe they talk about how hot that chick is over there, or how much they hate homos (less common now that Obama's in office, you guys), or just about how they like spending time with their bros on a purely brosef level (and there's nothing wrong with that).
But that doesn't change the facts: people who like dudes, like shirtless dudes, and the 'closets' like dudes, inherently, the end.
Happiness is out there, wating for you; you just have to want it, you guys.
On the teevees: the United States of Tara
Ok, y'all, I'm not in love with Diabo Codeface or anything. I thought Juno was pretty good, but it didn't change my stance on abortion or anything (my stance is that abortions taste great with baked potatoes). I'm happy to see subversive writers make a name for themselves, even if they write for Entertainment Weekly and, like, every other word is some cutesy bullshit. Whatever, y'know, it's a 'style choice'.
But I watched the first episode of Showtimes new hit series (pukes) the US of Tara, and I was like, "What the shiz is this shizz tore up from the floor up?" It's hokey, clownish, does not take itself seriously, and made me feel sort of dumb for watching it. AND I HAVE WATCHED EVERY EPISODE SINCE, YOU GUYS. I am addicted to this shit now. I don't know where they're going with this, but Diablo Cody, listen to me: you better fucking go somewhere with it, because I am on board now. The rebel daughter? I am on board. The gay son who you treat with respect? I am on board. The father who doesn't realize he is being marginalized? I am there. The alters//Toni Collette//her sister//the whole shit? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Are you making me love you for this? -sigh- Don't even ask. Just don't Dawson's Creek me (via set the show up for failure as you try to get more mainstream and end up fucking your career and writing werewolf movies that get assfucked by the studio.) Do this right. I'm watching now. Don't waste my time, or yours, or Speilburgs (sp). PLEASE, Y'ALL. I want this to be good. The end, y'all.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
#14: Christian Bale
We'll make this quick, since it's obvious, and not everything needs to be all philosophical all the time. But Christain Bale is hot, and closetcases and Out Gays need for guys to be hot in order for them to actually exist, you know? That's just how life works. Cute people are real, ugly people remind us of how dead we are inside. So Chrissy Bale fullfills this hotness through tireless hours at the gym/being photogenic. But what he also is, is Batman, of the Dark Knights, you guys. This makes him safe to like, because if you're wasted and mutter, "god, I love Christain Bale" while watching him appear on the Jiminy Kimmel Show with your bros, they'll be all like, "Yeah, I can't wait for the next Batman movie. What's Chris Nolan waiting for?" They WILL NOT be like, "You're a fag. You just want to get his dick wet, bro." Of course, the latter is the truth, but they won't know that, because you're so good at hiding your gayness that no one, ever, in history, will ever suspect that you're just using your girlfriend until you have the courage to finally kill yourself for being such a homo.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday Newsicle
It's Super Bowl Sunday, so you know what that means? TELEVISED MOVIE TRAILERS, Y'ALL. Whatever, so that I feel like I did something, newstuffs.
=The head of the Republico Starship Alliance (or the GOP, as it's popularly known) will pander to you now. (theraw)
=Ted Haggard is a closetcase, you guys. I mean, it sucks that his life is this way, and it sucks that he can't live happily as a gay dude, and that he has beliefs that force him to hate himself. But...he's gay. He just is. (huffingtone post)
Whatever, enjoy your day.
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